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Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, but all drop-ins must first be approved by the Director or Assistant Director. There is a fee for drop-ins.

We are governed by the board of the Day School and operate under the guidance and supervision of the vestry of the Church of the Ascension. While we follow guidelines set forth by D.H.R. we are not D.H.R. certified.

Each room at Ascension Day School is staffed with two teachers per room with the exception of the 5K room. In addition there is a music teacher and 2 floaters. We exceed the staffing requirements set forth by D.H.R.
A full day is 7:45 am – 4:00 pm.

For infants the diaper bag should include diapers, formula or milk, baby food when needed, a change of clothes and any comfort items like pacifier or blanket, their daily folder.

Children in the toddler room will need diapers, change of clothes, sippy cup, a packed lunch and their daily folder.

Children in the older classes will need to have a seasonal change of clothes ( to be kept at school) diapers, pull ups when needed or a change of underpants, a lunchbox, and their daily folder.

The school doors are locked at all times and can only be opened by parents and staff who have the entrance code which is changed

The church has a security camera system and no one is able to gain entrance into the church or school without being let in by an
authorized staff person.

The only people who will be allowed to pick up your child are the persons listed on your child’s safety release form. If changes need to be made to accommodate babysitters, play dates, or visiting family members, they should be given to the child’s teacher, the Director or sent in a note in the child’s daily folder.